Monday, March 15, 2010

Double Blind Drug Trials (DBDT)not applicable to Homoeopathy

These tests are mandatory for every "scientific" allopathic medicine to pass before its release in the market for public prescription. But when applied to individual homoeomedicines in USA in the past, equivocal results were obtained. The then homoeopaths neither showed that DBDTs are inapplicable, nor suggested alternative controlled tests to establish the efficacy of homoeomedicines. Therefore, the science-conscious public demanded and government imposed ban on its practice, and some homoeopathic medical colleges were converted into allopathic ones. However, Dr. Sharma, for the first time in the world showed that DBDTs are not relevant or applicable to Homoeopathy mainly because : (i) A homoeophysician cannot remain "blind" but must know the total symptoms before and after every dose of known medicine to ensure that cure is occurring according Hering’s laws and aggravations , if any, are under control. (ii) The patients cannot be randomized into two groups for treatment with active medicine and similar looking inert placebo since no two patients with same pathology have identical symptom totality. (iii) The subjective symptoms, which have no diagnostic value for Allopathy, cannot be ignored but decide the selection of right homoeomedicine. The DBDTs , without these considerations will be, as in the past, inconclusive to bring bad name to Homoeopathy unjustly.

Dr RR Sharma


  1. But homeopathic solutions are sold as generics in shops such as Boots the Chemist. Are you saying that homeopaths know that these have no effect effect because they are not personalised?

  2. Um... you just randomise the remedies so that half the patients get homeopathic remedy, and the others get placebo. If the randomisation takes place at the "pharmacy" rather than the "practitioner" then you will get meaningful data with the practitioner remaining blind.
